Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 15

hello and happy saturday.  my god, how i treasure my days off!!!  don't we all.  my only fear on a saturday morning is that i won't have time to get it ALL done.  but i will try...and what doesn't get done will be around tomorrow for me to visit, right.

well,  burned 489 calories at Zumba this morning.  funny that i'm getting better than the instructor at knowing which move comes next; sometimes i'm the odd-ball in class, but i know that i am on the beat...and then the instructor will 'pause' and catch-up.  ah, the dancer in me still lives!  ha ha.

came home from Zumba and guess what.  fell down my stairs.  :)  okay, so 1.  don't ever try to carry too much in your hands going down the stairs (2 glasses, my stainless water bottle and the cap...); both hands full...while wearing socks (slippery on wood stairs).  2.  quit trying to multi-task so much that you hurt yourself...  and 3.  this is when having a big ASS is a blessing!  i have been known to fall on occasion, but i am proud to tell you, that i have never been injured badly during any of my falls because i land on my ASS and there is enough 'meat' 'padding' to not break anything or jolt my back into a hot mess.  if you are a skinny person with a boney ASS, then you would most definitely hurt yourself on some of these falls.  see, my butt has saved me on a couple of occasions, so i guess i say, thank you ass, for the safe landing today.

i lost 1 pound last week; and that was without tracking my points.  yesterday i started tracking, and guess what WW is telling me.  i have been eating too much.  no shit.  the WW program rocks, and mostly because it is so easy to go on-line and hold yourself accountable.  the question is, do you eat your activity points?  do you eat your weekly allowance of the 49 extra?  i think i will for this first week, and then next week, give up the activity points, and then the next week, try to do without both.

this weekend i am going to:
1.  track my food & workout daily
2.  be mindful of my movement (particularly down the stairs)
3.  clean the hell out of the casita
4.  mani / pedi
5.  new tennis shoes
6.  tackle the 'to-do' list
7.  actually return some phone calls to my friends
8.  make the vegi-soup
9.  watch the Bears win tomorrow's game.  :)

much love.  kim.

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10

ahhhhh....  2011 has been treating me well, but i swear, and i know i'm not 'old,' but i am truly feeling my age...  for a young 30-something.

days are long, but happy and fun...  the serious workouts continue...  i do always feel like i am hustlin' though!  truly!

Zumba and serious grocery shopping burned 680 calories this evening...after working 9 hours at the goofiest resort ever.  :)  i still have the city in me, because even though i have a car, i never shop with a cart, always the basket that you carry.  :)

i had a great day yesterday hanging out with one of my favorite people.  mr. jedediah royale smith.  he is so cool.  just smart, and a gentleman...a great friend.  a mountain man.  :)  we ate nachos and watched football.  not the best WW afternoon, but i wouldn't trade it for anything.

life is good and i feel really good.  i wish the bastards i work with would quit putting cookies out.  cookies are not motivating to sales know what it, mr. snap-clap (aka my boss):  MONEY.  and time to do your work.  just sayin'.

peace and much love.

tomorrow it is 6am (up at 5:15) bootcamp...(might i add tomorrow morning will be in the single digits...temps)

eat within my points...  lots and lots of fruit my friends...

try, try, try to get 8 hours of sleep!!!!  getting enough sleep is just as important as eating right.  SLEEP.  :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7

oops.  another day skipped...but it is ALL Good.

it is friday evening, and TGIF.

i worked out 5 times this week:  2 hour yoga / zumba / bootcamp / bootcamp / 1 1/2 hour yoga.
good, challenging, sweaty workouts that averaged 450 calories burned each shot.

yoga tonight burned 400.

love the heart rate monitor.  love my workouts.

eating went really well too...only blunders were some pretzels and a very small slice of chocolate cake.

drum roll please.....  i signed up for WW on Thursday (yesterday) so started tracking today....

i have been working out really well, but need to make sure i am not over-indulging.  it doesn't happen at breakfast, it doesn't happen at lunch.  it happens at night, when i am exhausted and should go to bed...  i know where my bad habit lies and i am going to break it!

so, goals continue.  i want to loose 30 pounds by june and another 30 by december...  then maintain.  :)

so, may there be more peace, more abundance, more openness and more love for each and every one of us.

much love.  kim.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 5

ooops.  missed a day.  ha!  sorry, 4th of January.  my mother's birthday, so a great day.

i promise to blog more tomorrow....had a much better day at work today...  :) yay.  and, have been eating well and still working out each day, until today, wednesday.   just took the old boss and the new boss out for drinks / dinner.  it always makes me laugh, or question my sanity, when i buy a mans lunch who must make way more $$$ than me.  yeah, that makes sense.   well, everyone needs the support and back up from their boss, when they are answering about you to their boss!  i swear that one day, sooner rather than later, i will be my own boss.  :)

i did have two very beautiful, large glasses of Malbec.  and some fabulous polenta with gorgonzola, mushrooms, and some other fab flavors and veg ministrone soup.  polenta = corn, which = not great for you.  portion was small-ish.  anyway.

i have been doing small, mini-performances mimicking the "what's up with that?" guy from Saturday Night Live.  It is some funny shit.  One of my co-workers, and friend... was going on about a f'd up situation at work and I replied "What's up with that?  What's up with that?" with my microphone and doing a 'step together, step together...with appropriate snaps.  i am funny.  real funny sometimes.  "i am a happy person, deal with it." i replied when asked by another co-worker, "What's that smile for?"

well, i may not be using all of my talents at this point in life.  we shall see.

gotta sign out.  bootcamp at 6am!

much love.  kim.  

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3

mondays are super fun, aren't they?  :)

well, another successful day.  i did eat some awful enriched flour pretzels not "perfect," but doubt there will be too many "perfect" days.

Zumba made the heart monitor read 475 calories one hour.  that's why i can feel silly for an hour and not mind too much.

it is super cold here in the Fe...tromping through some snow that won't melt and there is ice many places...must say that looking up at the sky tonight was so extremely beautiful.  i need to love the night sky and the stars and get over my fear of the darkness.  no, kim, there is not a coyote waiting for you around the corner...there is only more darkness.  and peace.  embrace it.  cuz who knows when you will be back in a city again where you can't see any stars?  who knows.

so, new boss today was my big story.  he seems like a good, fair guy.  only time will tell.  :)

ok, so no talking about work.  it was a long day...left the house at 8:15...ran in at 6:15 to change and take care of Mr. Scratch (fabulous cat, my buddy) then dash out the door to Zumba.  home at 7:50...quick shower, 1/2 of a protein shake...have just now started a load of laundry...  now will try to rest and not get involved in a project until 11, when i go to bed.

tomorrow, Tuesday...  Boot Camp at 6am!  and i am still so sore from 2 hours of yoga on saturday...we shall see how tomorrow morning goes.  better get up even earlier than 5:15am and get some protein in before the workout.   i have lunch with a client, but should be able to get away with ordering a salad...technically, you should always follow the lead of your client.  you want them to feel as comfortable as possible, so if they order something big and rich, you should follow.  well, not anymore.  :)  salad it is.  now, if only i can get the cooks and chef at the BL to embrace some vegetarian, possibly even vegan soups, i would be so thrilled!!!  yeah, not gonna happen.  these people take pride in eating all kinds of different animals.  yucky, yucky. yuck. yuck.  i heard from a client today and they decided on another Resort for their Retreat because they wanted to HUNT.  funny that these people work for a major clinic and save lives and work on saving lives all day...only to grab a gun and run out into the woods and shoot helpless animals.  mother flowers.

i truly like that i am doing different things...  yoga, boot camp, Zumba...plain ol' cardio.  a mix is the way to go.  i think i need all of it too...  and reading my new Raw Food Revolution Book and Shape magazine before bed adds to the insanity.  :)

what if i want to be thin only so i can live forever and have amazing sex for the rest of my long life?  is that wrong?  just kidding.  okay, well, maybe not.

i will loose 30 pounds by June 1st, so i can make a trip to chicago and look fabulous while eating at Cafe Ba-Ba-Reeba!, Agami, Aladin's, the list goes on and on and on!  i will also reward myself (food should never be a reward) by getting a tattoo.  :)  not sure if i will get it in chicago, santa fe, or maybe san francisco?  hmmmm....

okay, loosing focus here and i really need to tune out for a bit.

i ate really well today...possibly did not eat enough?  if it wasn't for those damn pretzels, it would have been a perfect day.  i am also increasing my water intake.  it is the desert here, you know.

so glad to be working on this blog of motivation with a great group of ladies!  i don't know all of you, but you are brave and strong and you can do whatever you want, if you just get over yourself first.

peace and much love.  kim.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2

ahhh....sunday night.  another great day, yet the Bears lost.  :(

i cannot tell you how sore i am following my yoga practice from yesterday.  the practice truly works all of the muscles...the little ones you rarely use...youch.  i am sore!

i did not go to the gym, yet did a home work out today.  i think my muscles needed a small break...on to Zumba tomorrow after work!

i ate well and included a Green Meal Shake in the mix...  had great energy today and was very productive!  tomorrow should be boss arriving from out of state.  he impressed me at the interview, so i have high hopes!  mondays never thrill me, but i am so thankful to have a good job and a steady paycheck.   thank goodness i laugh so much during each many of our jobs seem like circuses, right?  with all of the different characters...

tomorrow i will eat healthy, pack my lunch, avoid sugar all together, and hit the dance floor at Zumba in the evening.

my hope is that everyone's day tomorrow is fabulous and that we can all keep our motivation up as the weekend comes to a close.  i would write more but am trying to be in bed by 11pm each night, so goodnight!

much love,  kim.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1

well, day one was a success!

i made it to my two hour yoga class at ~ great practice at a beautiful studio.  the class was packed, but the people had good energy and were very supportive, and most definitely, quite an advanced group.  I made my first "go" ever at a handstand, and boy, do i have a long way to go!  i shed some tears, which seemed to have come out of nowhere, but i realize that this happens sometimes in yoga and when it happens you just have to let it out!  it is as though you reach a point of physical and mental concentration and focus, giving it all you have, that there is a 'break-through' of sorts that can surprise you.  i wore my heart-rate monitor and it told me that i burned 495 calories.  my body is so sore right now, i know i will need a good session of 'rolling' (self-massage on the body roller) and maybe a hot bath tomorrow.

i love that i started the first day of the New Year eating healthy foods, having a great two hour yoga practice, and i purchased a Raw Food help me get back to making Raw Food the biggest part of my food choices.  the book seems to be a good one so far, full of recipes.  in order to eat Raw and eat more than fruit, vegetables, nuts....and not be living next to Karyn's Raw or some other fabulous Raw Food spot, you really must learn to make Raw Food at home.  wish me luck on this new adventure...

it is so cold today in Santa has been in the single digits yesterday and today.  so funny that the sun felt so warm coming in my windows that i had the heat off almost all day, yet outside, my car sitting in the sun, was still wearing a hat of snow and ice.  gotta love that NM sunshine, but even it does not beat single digit temperatures.

i logged my food selections and when i ate them...have been using when i do not know the amount of calories in a food...  i may look for a way to incorporate my food diary into my blog...

tomorrow, i will continue to log in my food journal and will go to the gym for a minimum of 1 hour tomorrow afternoon to focus on cardio and abs.  i will finish my closet organizing and will have items ready to take to good-will.  i will also be watching the Bears game at the Catamount...not a venue of choice, but truly the only place i have found so far where i know i can watch the Bears game in Santa Fe!  i have been there many times to catch games since moving here in May; typically ordering a veggie burger with sweet potato fries and a silver coin margarita.  their soups are never vegetarian and i'm not sure about their salads...  will either have a salad or a veggie burger without a side and will drink one alcoholic beverage; however, not a margarita.

i hope to accomplish a lot tomorrow, again, preparing myself for a busy week ahead.

"we are what we repeatedly do.  excellence, then, is a not an act, but a habit."  ~ Aristotle

much love.  kim.