Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7

oops.  another day skipped...but it is ALL Good.

it is friday evening, and TGIF.

i worked out 5 times this week:  2 hour yoga / zumba / bootcamp / bootcamp / 1 1/2 hour yoga.
good, challenging, sweaty workouts that averaged 450 calories burned each shot.

yoga tonight burned 400.

love the heart rate monitor.  love my workouts.

eating went really well too...only blunders were some pretzels and a very small slice of chocolate cake.

drum roll please.....  i signed up for WW on Thursday (yesterday) so started tracking today....

i have been working out really well, but need to make sure i am not over-indulging.  it doesn't happen at breakfast, it doesn't happen at lunch.  it happens at night, when i am exhausted and should go to bed...  i know where my bad habit lies and i am going to break it!

so, goals continue.  i want to loose 30 pounds by june and another 30 by december...  then maintain.  :)

so, may there be more peace, more abundance, more openness and more love for each and every one of us.

much love.  kim.


  1. Love this Kim, you're such a great spirit! I am the same about excerise, Love Love Love it, no problem to commit to that. Food on the other hand, I thought I was okay-ish, until I joined WW...I learned first and formost I was eating WAY too much, my portions were out of control! BTW, what kind of heart rate monitor do you haven? I am looking to buy one.
    Great week you had, an even better week ahead, have a beautiful weekend!!

  2. You girls and your love of exercising is enviable! I hope to someday love it because right now I do not!

    Great week, Kim!!

  3. Weight Watchers, Weight Watchers!!! Go get'um tiger!

  4. Ohh I'm so excited you joined WW! We can talk points with each other now.
