Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 15

hello and happy saturday.  my god, how i treasure my days off!!!  don't we all.  my only fear on a saturday morning is that i won't have time to get it ALL done.  but i will try...and what doesn't get done will be around tomorrow for me to visit, right.

well,  burned 489 calories at Zumba this morning.  funny that i'm getting better than the instructor at knowing which move comes next; sometimes i'm the odd-ball in class, but i know that i am on the beat...and then the instructor will 'pause' and catch-up.  ah, the dancer in me still lives!  ha ha.

came home from Zumba and guess what.  fell down my stairs.  :)  okay, so 1.  don't ever try to carry too much in your hands going down the stairs (2 glasses, my stainless water bottle and the cap...); both hands full...while wearing socks (slippery on wood stairs).  2.  quit trying to multi-task so much that you hurt yourself...  and 3.  this is when having a big ASS is a blessing!  i have been known to fall on occasion, but i am proud to tell you, that i have never been injured badly during any of my falls because i land on my ASS and there is enough 'meat' 'padding' to not break anything or jolt my back into a hot mess.  if you are a skinny person with a boney ASS, then you would most definitely hurt yourself on some of these falls.  see, my butt has saved me on a couple of occasions, so i guess i say, thank you ass, for the safe landing today.

i lost 1 pound last week; and that was without tracking my points.  yesterday i started tracking, and guess what WW is telling me.  i have been eating too much.  no shit.  the WW program rocks, and mostly because it is so easy to go on-line and hold yourself accountable.  the question is, do you eat your activity points?  do you eat your weekly allowance of the 49 extra?  i think i will for this first week, and then next week, give up the activity points, and then the next week, try to do without both.

this weekend i am going to:
1.  track my food & workout daily
2.  be mindful of my movement (particularly down the stairs)
3.  clean the hell out of the casita
4.  mani / pedi
5.  new tennis shoes
6.  tackle the 'to-do' list
7.  actually return some phone calls to my friends
8.  make the vegi-soup
9.  watch the Bears win tomorrow's game.  :)

much love.  kim.


  1. I will usually eat my weekly allowance but I try not to touch my activity points. They are like emergency points. The vegi-soup is incredible. I add a can of white kidney beans (rinsed and drained) and it makes the soup taste even better. I eat that with a sandwich a few days a week.

  2. Well, all hail the Almighty ASS! Glad you're a safe lander and dancer. Congrats on weight loss & productivity! GO BEARS!

  3. When I was doing WW I always used my extra when I needed or wanted to. Sometimes I'd just hold on to them and I gotta tell ya, it never affected my weight loss one way or the other. So weird. Glad your ass saved you. Be careful!

  4. Great job on the weight loss!! Thank goodness for the bootie.
